Most of them are good...

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I believe that you and you alone hold the power over what makes you happy. If something in your life does not make you happy, then CHANGE IT! Find your HAPPY, so that you can share it with the people that you love. Don't waste time, the little things that you do, and the manner in which you choose to do them really DO matter. I believe that giggles have magical powers! So, please add GET the GIGGLES to your TO DO LIST!

Marta, just being me...

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Detox your Social Circle- Is it Time to CLEANSE???

If you own ONE thing in this world, it is your POWER to CHOOSE. Remember that when you are choosing your friends and who you spend your time with. If you are truly focused on making changes, meeting a goal or chasing your dream - then surround yourself with people that will support you and add to your spirit.

Fitness: Want to get in shape and lose weight? Make the commitment and set your plan of action. If you have a "friend" that constantly wants to meet you out for lunch, or snacks, or drinks--- whatever will throw you off track: THEN THIS PERSON is probably NOT a good friend for you (right now). If you have talked to him/her and said, "I can't eat that" and he/she still does it... or worse yet... gives you the, "OH, it's fine... you can work it off later"-- or "You only live once..." Whatever the line... They are NOT helping you to stay focused. I would LOVE to help you!

Passion/Hobby: If there is something that you LLLove to do, you are good at and/or it brings you joy – THEN DO IT! Do not allow anyone to talk you out of following your passion or your dream. People will try; unhappy people really do enjoy company. If you have a ‘friend’ that calls your crafts SILLY- or constantly asks you, “Do you think you’re going to get rich doing that?” Then again, this is probably not a friend that boosts your inner strength or brightens your spirit. You will find yourself wanting to “prove them wrong” instead of ENJOYING your journey. (What a shame).

I am not suggesting that you cut ties with family & friends, just make smart choices when it comes to the company you keep. In order to be successful (AT ANYTHING) you need to surround yourself with supportive, positive people.

Friends don’t need to share passions or even have the same taste. True friends celebrate each other’s spirit, share joys, they do not judge.

It is healthy to cleanse our systems. Take a good look at your social circle, is it time to CLEANSE? Negative influence can only affect you IF YOU ANSWER that call... or INVITE IT OVER. (Just sayin')

Detox --Negative Nelly, Doubting Donnie, Pessimistic Patty, Cynical Cindy, Gloomy Gary and Puts-Me-Down Petula!!!

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