Most of them are good...

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I believe that you and you alone hold the power over what makes you happy. If something in your life does not make you happy, then CHANGE IT! Find your HAPPY, so that you can share it with the people that you love. Don't waste time, the little things that you do, and the manner in which you choose to do them really DO matter. I believe that giggles have magical powers! So, please add GET the GIGGLES to your TO DO LIST!

Marta, just being me...

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Picking and Sticking with an Exercise Program that FITS YOU!

Picking and Sticking with an Exercise Program that FITS YOU!
Let’s get real.  If exercise ranks up there with cleaning a toilet or a trip to the grocery store then you are not going to stick with any routine that you pick..  Why?  Because you don’t want to do it, for me (I HATE FOOD SHOPPING and yes, I said hate).   So let’s deal with this challenge TODAY. 
What is exercise?  It’s MOVING.  We ALL know that we have to burn the calories that we eat.  So, to lose weight:   Burn more than we consume.  Stop eating?  Only if you want to have all of your organs shut down, turn into a grumpy, nasty, bitter person and end up in the hospital.  (Not really an option).
“OK FINE!  What exercise should I do?” 
Well, what do you ENJOY?  Is walking fun?  Dancing?  Swimming? Rope climbing?  What do you like and what are you willing to try?  How do you know you don’t like it if you’ve never tried it?  That’s right—Zucchini cooked on the grill REALLY IS good, I’m apologizing again for all the years I crinkled my nose and made an immature gagging sound.  (Sorry dear husband).
The issue for so many of us is once we FINALLY decide that it IS TIME to START, we want results SO FAST that we try to act as if we can (or should be able to) complete an entire routine just like they do on the tapes we just bought.  WELL FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY - Give yourself a BREAK!   Do the first 5 minutes on that first day—and THEN CELEBRATE that you DID IT!  You woke up some muscles and started building a base! YOU FRICKING ROCK!  Be PROUD!
Look back at the last month—(that you did nothing) now picture yourself a month from TODAY--- are you seeing what I’m seeing??  OH YEAH BABY—you are changing and each day you will add a minute- then 5,  then in 2 weeks—you will do that entire routine!  You WILL look forward to your exercise time – AND you will not be willing to sacrifice it.
Frustration = FORGET IT.  What the heck are you frustrated for?  You are NO LONGER sitting/laying on that couch!   I think you have knocked yourself down ENOUGH.  SO KNOCK IT OFF.  From this day forward – YOU RULE.  You know it and I know it, I guess that makes it a fact.  Deal with THAT.

Some HINTS and TIPS to help you MAKE IT THROUGH those first few workouts:
•Don’t quit just because you feel a little discomfort.  Your body is amazingly strong- LET IT WORK!   Of course you will feel discomfort as you get your heart rate up, your muscles are going to SCREAM at you and rebel!  But that initial discomfort fades because as your body warms, your temperature rises and blood flows into your muscles.  
•Use your MIND POWER to tell yourself that you are NOT TIRED and that you CAN DO 3 more minutes! When those endorphins kick in, you will feel even better and, at the end of the workout, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you worked out even though it was hard.

Prevent Injury and Have an Action Plan!

•ALWAYS warm up - A good warm up is crucial for getting both your body and mind ready for exercise. Start with exercises that mimic the workout you'll be doing and allow your heart rate to increase gradually.  Walk before you run.  Do 5-10 minutes of cardio before you lift weights.  Stretch!  
•Pack and prepare – Remove all of the “easy outs”.  IF you go to the gym straight from work; then pack your bag the night before: Shoes, clothes, towel, water bottle and protein bar.   If you workout at home then put your outfit in the bathroom ready to change into and shoes right there ready!  NO EXCUSES- set your routine and that includes your preparation!  Think of it as setting yourself up to SUCCEED and NEVER to SKIP!  
•Get Competitive!  Find a Workout Buddy, in person or on line.  Someone that will hold you accountable and that you will work with!  Remind each other of WHY you are working out and strive to push each other to that next level!  
•Reward yourself – Pick a milestone and pick a prize.  Earn it.  Deserve it and ENJOY IT! 

1 comment:

  1. I agree! You have to find a workout that you love to do in order to have the most success. I found that my soulmate workout is TurboFire. I just love it & I love Chalene! :)
