Most of them are good...

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I believe that you and you alone hold the power over what makes you happy. If something in your life does not make you happy, then CHANGE IT! Find your HAPPY, so that you can share it with the people that you love. Don't waste time, the little things that you do, and the manner in which you choose to do them really DO matter. I believe that giggles have magical powers! So, please add GET the GIGGLES to your TO DO LIST!

Marta, just being me...

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Picking and Sticking with an Exercise Program that FITS YOU!

Picking and Sticking with an Exercise Program that FITS YOU!
Let’s get real.  If exercise ranks up there with cleaning a toilet or a trip to the grocery store then you are not going to stick with any routine that you pick..  Why?  Because you don’t want to do it, for me (I HATE FOOD SHOPPING and yes, I said hate).   So let’s deal with this challenge TODAY. 
What is exercise?  It’s MOVING.  We ALL know that we have to burn the calories that we eat.  So, to lose weight:   Burn more than we consume.  Stop eating?  Only if you want to have all of your organs shut down, turn into a grumpy, nasty, bitter person and end up in the hospital.  (Not really an option).
“OK FINE!  What exercise should I do?” 
Well, what do you ENJOY?  Is walking fun?  Dancing?  Swimming? Rope climbing?  What do you like and what are you willing to try?  How do you know you don’t like it if you’ve never tried it?  That’s right—Zucchini cooked on the grill REALLY IS good, I’m apologizing again for all the years I crinkled my nose and made an immature gagging sound.  (Sorry dear husband).
The issue for so many of us is once we FINALLY decide that it IS TIME to START, we want results SO FAST that we try to act as if we can (or should be able to) complete an entire routine just like they do on the tapes we just bought.  WELL FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY - Give yourself a BREAK!   Do the first 5 minutes on that first day—and THEN CELEBRATE that you DID IT!  You woke up some muscles and started building a base! YOU FRICKING ROCK!  Be PROUD!
Look back at the last month—(that you did nothing) now picture yourself a month from TODAY--- are you seeing what I’m seeing??  OH YEAH BABY—you are changing and each day you will add a minute- then 5,  then in 2 weeks—you will do that entire routine!  You WILL look forward to your exercise time – AND you will not be willing to sacrifice it.
Frustration = FORGET IT.  What the heck are you frustrated for?  You are NO LONGER sitting/laying on that couch!   I think you have knocked yourself down ENOUGH.  SO KNOCK IT OFF.  From this day forward – YOU RULE.  You know it and I know it, I guess that makes it a fact.  Deal with THAT.

Some HINTS and TIPS to help you MAKE IT THROUGH those first few workouts:
•Don’t quit just because you feel a little discomfort.  Your body is amazingly strong- LET IT WORK!   Of course you will feel discomfort as you get your heart rate up, your muscles are going to SCREAM at you and rebel!  But that initial discomfort fades because as your body warms, your temperature rises and blood flows into your muscles.  
•Use your MIND POWER to tell yourself that you are NOT TIRED and that you CAN DO 3 more minutes! When those endorphins kick in, you will feel even better and, at the end of the workout, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you worked out even though it was hard.

Prevent Injury and Have an Action Plan!

•ALWAYS warm up - A good warm up is crucial for getting both your body and mind ready for exercise. Start with exercises that mimic the workout you'll be doing and allow your heart rate to increase gradually.  Walk before you run.  Do 5-10 minutes of cardio before you lift weights.  Stretch!  
•Pack and prepare – Remove all of the “easy outs”.  IF you go to the gym straight from work; then pack your bag the night before: Shoes, clothes, towel, water bottle and protein bar.   If you workout at home then put your outfit in the bathroom ready to change into and shoes right there ready!  NO EXCUSES- set your routine and that includes your preparation!  Think of it as setting yourself up to SUCCEED and NEVER to SKIP!  
•Get Competitive!  Find a Workout Buddy, in person or on line.  Someone that will hold you accountable and that you will work with!  Remind each other of WHY you are working out and strive to push each other to that next level!  
•Reward yourself – Pick a milestone and pick a prize.  Earn it.  Deserve it and ENJOY IT! 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

*❤*Sometimes the Hardest Part is Believing in Our Own MAGIC*❤*

`**`Sometimes the Hardest Part is Believing in Our Own MAGIC`**`

We stand behind the people that we love.  NO QUESTIONS, NO DOUBTS!  We are their #1 Fans, day in and day out!  I don’t think there is anything that we would not do or say to make sure that our children, our spouses or our friends see just how very special they are!
Then we pass that MIRROR. OH GOD that MIRROR.  Who do we see?  What do we see?  What voice do we use when we talk to that reflection that stares back at you and at me?
I think it was when my daughter was in about 4th grade when I decided (no idea why & I actually had forgotten that I did this until I started typing this…) to tape a sign across the top of our bathroom mirror.  It simply read, “Smile You Are Beautiful!”   I guess I unconsciously knew that this was the age when girls started to decide/develop their self image beliefs.  I was travelling a lot back then, so I wasn’t home every morning to tell her how beautiful she looked as she headed out the door for school.  I wanted her to learn to tell herself.   I hoped that she would grasp early on that no one has the ability to make you feel bad about yourself, without your permission. 
Learning to see your own beauty and to set self worth comes from your ability to believe in your own MAGIC.  We all have magic.  You MUST believe that what you CHOOSE to do, even the littlest of things, and the way in which you do them REALLY DOES make a difference.  Being “BEAUTIFUL” comes from who you are and how you choose to treat people.  Smiling and being self confident, that is beautiful.   People believe about you what you believe about yourself.   That is magical!  You have so much power and you own that power. 
You can share your heart.  You can share your body and your mind.  Under no circumstances, may you ever share or give away the power of your magic. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why do Strangers get all the Love?

We are so much nicer to random strangers than we are to the people that we live with and love everyday.  That is just silly.  
  You may have heard this and I'm sure you already know it - but isn't it worth repeating time and time again, until we find the way to change it?  Let's say you are having just a rotten to the core kind of day: Hey it happens.   
 We tend to lash out at our families.  It is that "unconditional love-- safety zone syndrome" like when you pick up your toddler from daycare-- and your provider tells you, "Oh you have such an angel!"  Then you get home or heaven forbid you stop at the store.. and WHOA-- who's kid is THIS?? Temper tantrum worthy of an episode of "Super Nanny".    It is because he/she had to be good ALL day and is now safe with Mommy (or Daddy) and can let it all go without risking exile. 
  I think that it is the same thing when we are out in public;  we smile, hold the door and make NICEY NICE with complete strangers 10 minutes after ripping the faces off of our family members at the breakfast table.  SO RIDICULOUS -- Don't you agree?? 
  I wish there was a switch that could stop people from doing this.  No one enjoys hurting the ones that they love (one would like to think...)  It is a CHOICE and one that each of us OWNS.  We CAN actually stop ourselves from spitting venom at the pretty familiar faces!  Use that polite public diplomacy and stop the cycle.  You know the cycle-- the one where people in the neighborhood  say "Oh he/she is the nicest, sweetest person!"  All the while his/her spouse/kids are rolling their eyes choking back their sarcastic response of, "Oh yea, you don't LIVE with him/her!"
  Breaking that cycle sure would reduce those hard to swallow (or non-existent) 'I'm Sorries'!   This is just a snack to think about next time one of those MANIC MONDAYS rolls your way!  I always tell my daughter to try not to worry so much what others think or say--- If you don't love someone, then they can't really hurt you.  (Lesson from dealing with the retail public.)  I have her look in the mirror at the reflection of the person who's opinion matters the most!  That is also the person that she must learn to LOVE first - (unconditionally) before she can truly love others. (Of course as I am teaching this lesson, I note that my reflection is also in that mirror... because MOMMY counts too & will always love and support her!) 
  You know I can remember ever single mean thing that was ever said to me.... Can't you?  I would hate to think that some of those MEAN THINGS have my voice attached to them in the memories of my precious lovies... and I know that they do.  Perfection is not something I aim for.  Redemption through paying it forward and teaching others the lessons that I have learned the hard way seems to help me find great joy and peace of mind. 
   Be nice at HOME first, those are the hearts that COUNT!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Once upon a time, there lived an old carpenter who was preparing himself for retirement.   One day, he told the owner of the carpentry shop, that he had worked many years and now he wanted to retire so finally he could rest.

The owner, upon hearing this news,  became very sad and tried to persuade him to stay, but the carpenter had made up his mind and would not change his decision.

At last the owner, although unhappy, accepted but asked him to make one final house before his retirement .

Although the carpenter was not very happy, he agreed to do it but his heart was not in it.   He had accepted this task not with his complete consent and felt that it was against his will but he began the project anyway.

With carelessness and indifference he chose the material for the house.  With laziness and lethargy he finished building the house as fast as he could so he could leave.   Once completed, he called the owner to come and receive the key to the house right away.   

When the shop owner arrived and received the key, he gave the key back to him and said:  This home is your gift for the years of your cooperation with me.   This is your retirement home!!!!!!!!!!

Upon this unexpected action, the Carpenter was very embarrassed.  He would have definitely used much better quality material and skills and would have taken more care in making a stronger home, had he known that the house was meant for him.  He would have made a much more beautiful home.

This is the story of our lives....

  Every day we are making our own home....every day passes so swiftly...sometimes we barely notice what we are building.    And then from an unexpected event, we find out that we have to live in what we have built.   If we realize this and become aware of our responsibilities and our own actions then maybe we would use more care into making a better home.  Opportunities flee and at times we don't have the chance to make a second house.

You are the carpenter of your own house, and the builder of your days....the days are like the beating of each stroke of hammer upon each nail that make the foundation, the walls, the roof...
Make it strong and healthy for your own dwelling...

(A true story...  I thought it was worth sharing, my Mom shared it with me).

Monday, January 3, 2011


Oh Yes, I should be cramming for my SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources) Certification Exam that is now less than 2 weeks away!  What AM I doing? I am proCRAFTinating! ProCRAFTination is what I have always called it.  I have been quilty of it since college.  I would pull all-nighters, studying for exams? NO, I would make everyone on my dorm floor awsome bubble-letter dry erase boards. (Paint pens were HUGE back then!) 

  NOW, I make bookmarks, key chains, wreaths and letters or frames for friends.  Why? Because I can, and I love doing it. Amen.

This is "Birds on a Wire" for my Mom - so she can Bird Watch during the cold winter months =)
It is made with Clothespins ... 
My Sunflower Cork wreath-- made from clothespins and little wooden spoons (I KNOW, I'm CRAZY) LOL

Bookmarks and a key chain =)

An assortment of my bookmarks, ProCRAFTination at it's finest =)


Gift for a good friend's son.

And for her daughter...

My Family Wall

Doggies are totally part of our family!!

Hand painted my mailbox.  (I collect Frogs)

These are just a few of the things that I love to create and to share.  I have a NEED to design, imagine and to build fun things.  Like so many other "craft-minded" friends, the joy comes from the reaction that we receive from the people that we give or show them to. 
The lessons LEARNED: 
  • ALWAYS do what makes you smile! 
  • Surround yourself with people who support you.
  • Believe in yourself before you expect anyone else to believe in you.
  • Follow your heart & trust your gut.