Most of them are good...

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I believe that you and you alone hold the power over what makes you happy. If something in your life does not make you happy, then CHANGE IT! Find your HAPPY, so that you can share it with the people that you love. Don't waste time, the little things that you do, and the manner in which you choose to do them really DO matter. I believe that giggles have magical powers! So, please add GET the GIGGLES to your TO DO LIST!

Marta, just being me...

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

*❤*Sometimes the Hardest Part is Believing in Our Own MAGIC*❤*

`**`Sometimes the Hardest Part is Believing in Our Own MAGIC`**`

We stand behind the people that we love.  NO QUESTIONS, NO DOUBTS!  We are their #1 Fans, day in and day out!  I don’t think there is anything that we would not do or say to make sure that our children, our spouses or our friends see just how very special they are!
Then we pass that MIRROR. OH GOD that MIRROR.  Who do we see?  What do we see?  What voice do we use when we talk to that reflection that stares back at you and at me?
I think it was when my daughter was in about 4th grade when I decided (no idea why & I actually had forgotten that I did this until I started typing this…) to tape a sign across the top of our bathroom mirror.  It simply read, “Smile You Are Beautiful!”   I guess I unconsciously knew that this was the age when girls started to decide/develop their self image beliefs.  I was travelling a lot back then, so I wasn’t home every morning to tell her how beautiful she looked as she headed out the door for school.  I wanted her to learn to tell herself.   I hoped that she would grasp early on that no one has the ability to make you feel bad about yourself, without your permission. 
Learning to see your own beauty and to set self worth comes from your ability to believe in your own MAGIC.  We all have magic.  You MUST believe that what you CHOOSE to do, even the littlest of things, and the way in which you do them REALLY DOES make a difference.  Being “BEAUTIFUL” comes from who you are and how you choose to treat people.  Smiling and being self confident, that is beautiful.   People believe about you what you believe about yourself.   That is magical!  You have so much power and you own that power. 
You can share your heart.  You can share your body and your mind.  Under no circumstances, may you ever share or give away the power of your magic. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great reminder. It's true that people are often much too hard on themselves...And it doesn't do anybody any good! I hope you'll start writing again, as you clearly have a lot to give!!
